Researcher Spotlight

Dr. Amalia Harrington: A Cross-Country Adventure with Lobsters

Growing up in Michigan, some of my earliest memories involve spending time in or on the water. I knew from an early age that I wanted to study the ocean so I moved to California to attend the University of San Diego for college. As an undergraduate, I was exposed to a variety of different […]

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A photo of Dr. Harsha Elizabeth James

Dr. Harsha Elizabeth James: Learning through a community perspective

I am currently working as a postdoctoral research associate at Maine Sea Grant, engaged in the Marine Debris Challenge Project. The three-year project, Reducing Marine Debris at the Source: Material Replacement and Source Reduction for Single-Use Food Packaging, is supported by the NOAA National Sea Grant Program. As part of the project, a cross-disciplinary team, including members […]

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Dr. Tiago Bilo

Dr. Tiago Bilo: Open ocean, open questions, endless possibilities

Like many undergraduate students studying oceanography or ocean sciences, I have a deep passion for nature. After all, who wouldn’t be fascinated by the ocean after spending years creating wonderful memories at the beach, watching the waves, or snorkeling for the first time among colorful sea creatures? However, after a few semesters at the Oceanographic […]

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A photo of Tom Kiffney

Tom Kiffney: Bivalve Enthusiast

I am currently finishing up my PhD in the Brady lab at University of Maine’s Darling Marine Center (DMC). The DMC, its people, and its deep connections to Maine’s aquaculture industry have been a huge part of my career path. I have spent most of my life in Maine, growing up in Portland and attending […]

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A photo of Tucker Ellis

Tucker Ellis: Kicking Off a Career in Marine Research

I am currently a rising senior at Tufts University studying biology and environmental studies. I hope to pursue graduate studies in marine biology, but I was introduced to this field a little differently than many other students and professors I’ve spoken to, who seem to have discovered marine science on a whim.  I grew up […]

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Chris Cash: One heck of a resume that ended up making sense

When I told my parents I was moving back to Monhegan for the third time to pursue my lobster license, my dad just shook his head and uttered what he had many times before, “you have one heck of a resume, kid.” He wasn’t wrong. After graduating from UMaine, my now husband and I set […]

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Dr. Gail Schwieterman: Thriving Under Stress

I honestly didn’t intend to become a professor. When I was applying to colleges, I knew that I loved animals, but didn’t have much direction besides that. As cliché as it may sound, a semester studying abroad changed everything. I had always joked that I was good at school, so I wished I could do […]

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